Mary Margaret Clouse
it is july and it is four o’clock in the afternoon.
the sun bakes into the concrete and chlorine
while i think about belonging and loneliness
and honor and shame
and god and whatever the opposite of that is.
yesterday we got a new poet laureate.
i wonder sometimes if things lose meaning
when the government signs off on them.
it seems like most kids have known how to lie since birth.
i’ve always played truth like hide and seek
(terrified the whole time).
sometimes i hate myself for loving rules so much
that i never got to be anyone.
now i can’t decide whether to blame it on two years of private school
or something else i don’t quite understand yet.
i remember the day i realized that nothing looks more like sin
than a church with the lights off.
i am trying to tell myself that not everything is a performance
but it’s not my fault that god built the globe like a stage.
i’ve never told anyone that before
i say,
when i mean “it’s nice to meet you.”
i lost something here once,
i say.
do you believe me?
(Modeled after Visible World by Richard Siken)

one night
a friend of mine asked
isn’t that what everyone wants?
you want someone
to grieve you
i thought i knew what grief was then
could feel it inside my sweater
see it on the folds of my parents’ eyelids
maybe she was right
we don’t worship things in the same way we used to
this could be true
if not for the fact that i announce the title of your favorite book
whenever i get the chance
praise that glittering instrument
the human soul
you believe
there will be somewhere else for it to go
this is the only time i have ever wanted you
to be right
i try to remember the day the blockbuster closed
the tape catches on rewind
i’ll never like the way you look at me
it’ll never be enough
i am tired of having to defend everything
there is no truth within these walls
sometimes i hope when they killed brick and mortar
you were trapped in the rubble
courtesy of my college and a coliseum in florida
it wouldn’t be the first institution built on a grave
i do not know what to do when people try to love me
everything sacred is a joke to someone else